Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My writer's cottage

I don't know why I have such long lapses between posts.  I do love to write and find the immediate gratification of instantaneous publishing quite... um, gratifying.  When I publish something I feel all giggly about, I think about it before I go to sleep, when I wake up and often check for comments (thank you!), visits, ANY feedback.  I'll post two or three times in a week - a good pace for me then, there's this huge dry spell mostly caused by negative self-talk.  Things like:
"You really should be cleaning the toilet."
"Your writing is not that good, it's self-indulgent to blog at all."
"You need to go cure cancer or something."

Sometimes it takes the earth moving to get me to move to my computer to write.  So I baptized our little outbuilding my 'Writer's Cottage'.
Clair's Cottage
Hmmmm... I' think, I'll go write.  Come on in.
Cute, huh?  My companion, Maggie awaits my hindquarters and my laptop.
Just below this sweet space, about 20 miles away is the epicenter of Virginia's biggest earthquake in history.  I'm feeling the energy from the tectonic plates all up in my business.  There were several recordable aftershocks - one at about 8 PM and another at 12:45 AM.  I'm having a hard time NOT comparing great seismic s*x with this LITERAL earthmoving experience.  Wouldn't it be nice if we all had aftershocks this often, this much later?  (Mind is back in the cottage and out of the fault line/gutter.)
So, in this hiatus from posting, I have been to Colorado and back.
Steamboat Springs
where I saw Beth finish her half ironman...

and an elk at Rocky Mountain National Park.
My kids started school.

They are thrilled.
I started training for Richmond's Half Marathon (11/15), have been teaching a bit of Yoga, taking and practicing some Yoga, cut way back on my wine, reconnected with friends and loved ones, got back into my groove at work, survived an earthquake and claimed my cottage.

I'll be writing more from here from my heart.  I hope you read it, I  hope you like it and I hope you all experience aftershockingly good stuff.

We are now bracing for hurricane Irene.  What natural disaster have you survived?


ShutUpandRun said...

We all need a cottage.

That Beth is really something.

I'm glad you survived the quake. Did your boobs shake?

I look forward to more heartfelt writing from my favorite Clair.

Jill said...

You lucky girl - earthquakes and hurricanes all in one week! Hold down that cute little cottage during the hurricane, I don't want you to lose it, and your computer!!

amy said...

the pic of the kids is priceless! been thinking about that 1/2 myself, will look to you for inspiration...and if I get the nerve to run it will gladly eat your dust :)