Rah! Rah! Ree! kick em' the knee.
Rah! Rah! Rass! Kick 'em in the other knee...
Rah! Rah! Rass! Kick 'em in the other knee...
Remember those little ditties? I am hiney-focused right now because mine hurts. I feel like I've been sitting on a stadium bench for extra innings without a 7th inning stretch. Like my butt bones (more eloquently known as sitz bones) have been bearing my body weight like Buddha in a trance for hours. It seems I've been rolling around on those protrusions like a drunk bowling pin. You get the picture. When I stand up, I'm golden. A runner friend had to stop training for a half marathon last year because he injured his butt. More eloquently known as his piriformis muscle. Could mine be talking to me because this turtle is trying to morph into a hare? My speed has improved this week but I like to sit down sometimes and right now my hind quarters are oh so tender. Could it be...

Enough about my butt. Or me. Anyone read any good books lately? Really. I need one. What about Pat Conroy's latest? Remember the opening line of Prince of Tides? It goes something like... the pungent aroma of the Charleston River reminds me of semen. Now that's a butt grabber. Wish I could write like that.
Sorry about the butt. I'm ready Best Friends by Jennifer Weiner. Also the Book Thief is really good. Heard Pat C's book was just okay.
that nasty little piriformis, I remember dissecting it in cadaver lab. I can show you a powerful-good stretch for the little bugger.
Anything by Jodi Picoult will be a good read.
I am with you as far as knee pain is concerned- stinky knees!!
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