- My children (9, 7, and 4) needed me. Yeah right. Only a dozen or so other parents THAT I KNEW were nearby and could've taken watch for 3 minutes.
- Business associates were all around and I didn't want to become the wrong kind of legend. Okay, as long as I didn't strip it wouldn't have mattered.
- I didn't look as good in jeans as my nameless hero and couldn't measure up. Really, Clair you're how old? But body image issues are very pervasive.
I could go on with excuse after excuse but the bottom line is I WAS AFRAID to do something I really wanted to. Fear is the opposite of love and I don't want to be motivated by it anymore. There was a Black Horse calling my name and I didn't get on. And now I run. I aspire to run, dance, write and love without fear. I am working on it everyday. One race is over. A song has been sung. A hero made (and she doesn't even know it.) A year almost done. I contemplate my training plan for the next race and the next song. This time, I'll be ready. If you see me near a band, give me a nudge and a margarita and I'm all over it. You can even deny you know me and I won't hold it against you.
Who's your unsung hero?
Oh yeah. The race. 4:39:21. Happy. Recovered. Getting rid of many minutes for next time. No fear. Just going to do it.

Oh you get on that black horse girl. You will get rid of many minutes. No fear.
Ooo, this post hit me hard. Fear, fear, fear. Why does it pop up at random times and, yet, why is it somewhat predictable? If you can sing, sing! If you can dance, dance! Run, if you can run!! It's a heart thing. Thanks!
Love that song, never thought about it's meaning...
you go, sister, get on that black horse and ride...
Oh, fear! It is so powerful. I learned that I need to make sure I, not fear, is in charge most of the time. Otherwise, life can quicly become a safety bubble, predictable but oh so boring!
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