Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Here's how I spend my time

Sometimes I feel all cool and evolved and salivating for life.  Like today.  In the middle of 5 zillion errands I found myself a quarter mile from my yoga studio.  With all three of my reasons-for-living with me I decided to stop in and say hi to my hot gumby peeps.  (I talk like that.  No really.)  My son - still on crutches and sweet as cheery pie - says:

"You don't have to do this, Mom.  It looks cool enough from the outside." 

But no.  At that moment, I'm all about seizing the moment so I have him hobble and the girls traipse inside to view my altar to connective tissue.  Two of the coolest Bikram teachers ever are hanging in the reception area and we parade in.  And so it is.  After a warm hello, we walked in the hot room and Nick turned as if he'd walked into a cement wall.  Here's what I got:

"God, that smell, Mom."   -- Nick
"It's not that hot in here."  -- Kathleen
"Can we go now?"  --  Jane

The best part of the day was...

"You know, your Mom's very good at this."  --  Jessica  (Certified Bikram Yoga teacher.)

"You know, she'll be 42 on Sunday."  -- Jane  (beloved daughter who shares my birthday.)

So we went to Target.  Here's how I spend my time.

1 comment:

ShutUpandRun said...

You know I love this. Especially each child's reaction b/c it's so perfect with their personalities. Happy early birthday my dear friend.