From my bottom in dandasana or 'Staff Pose' during Yoga. It isn't pretty . Those aren't sausages, they are my toes and that's a whole other post - a congenital condition my brother shares. Anyway, I had an epiphany about my injured foot during a recent crowded Yoga class. I was practically pasted against the front mirror and this became my view.
Ew. I was wishing for a flask but instead I studied my gently throbbing right foot. The sonofagun that's been giving me a fit for a while. Besides being in DESPERATE NEED OF A PEDICURE, I could see some differences in the soles of my feet. AND THAT GAVE ME HOPE.
My good foot had biceps. Definition. Solid shape. And a zillion callouses (again, the flask) for taking a beating for my weak one. Maybe if I learn to strengthen assistor muscles and send my bad foot to the gym or the fat farm or whatever I might get rid of the pain.
So as usual, I contemplate life. We accommodate for our weak spots often at the expense of the strong ones. So we should stare at our injuries, discomforts, challenges in the face and find just the right modality to treat it. Find symmetry and balance. But don't paste yourself against a mirror during Yoga unless the burning incense is wafting something strong. Otherwise you'll end up likening your foot callouses to life.
BTW, I do believe there's deep meaning all around us...
Donations for a pedicure are gladly being received at my paypal account. Consider it charity. Those puppies are screaming for one. Thank God Winter in Virginia calls for socks.
1 comment:
Your words were so WHAT I NEEDED today that I'd buy you new feet and a pedicure if I had the means. Since I don't, I'll just say thanks. I need some symmetry and balance in my outlook this week and your words were like yoga to me!! Hugs!
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